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As a bidder in a public tender - consider these points!

Public procurement in Finland is worth around €47 billion a year, providing companies with numerous opportunities to offer their products and services to different public sector actors. For a company, winning a public procurement contract also means having a very stable and reliable contract partner. In this ...
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The new law on cooperation - from scripted drama to genuine interaction?

Find out about the challenges and opportunities of the new Co-operation Act in the workplace. Although the 2022 changes introduced a quarterly ongoing dialogue, old problems such as the rigidity of change negotiations and fear of sanctions were partly ignored. Learn how genuine interaction can contribute to smooth ...
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Five tips for smooth interaction in difficult situations at work

Studies show that up to 40% of the time spent by frontline workers is spent on conflict-related discussions. Yet few chaperones have the capacity and skills to engage in challenging conversations. Here are five tips to help you manage difficult situations.
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First steps towards successful communication in public procurement

Communication and interaction are cornerstones for a successful procurement, and communication is present at almost every stage of the procurement process. However, as the interaction between the contracting entity and the tenderer during the tendering process itself is very limited, the contracting entity should anticipate and initiate ...
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Underperformance is a typical problem - Lawyer's tips for the most challenging situations in frontline work

Conflicts in the workplace often put a strain on the entire work community. The behaviour of one person can poison the whole workplace atmosphere or cause unnecessary burdens on others by not getting work done. A typical problem in the workplace is underperformance: not doing what the job description requires, ...
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The recipe for successful remote and hybrid working

The koruna forced jobs to their knees and at the same time to take a teleworking holiday. Middle management in particular was under enormous pressure to balance the demands from higher levels of the organisation with the management of their teleworking subordinates. In this situation, front-line staff in particular would have needed, and still need, ...
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Ability-to-work management is first and foremost about interaction

A disabled worker is inevitably an expense for the employer. On average, a day's sick leave costs the employer €370. Proactive support for fitness for work benefits the worker, the employer and society as a whole.
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Whistleblower - a necessary evil or a valuable tool for organisational development?

The National Whistleblower Protection Act, based on the Whistleblowing Directive, entered into force on 1 January 2023 (1171/2022). If implemented well, the whistleblowing channel can provide really important information about organisational practices, policies and gaps in control, which, if addressed, will benefit and improve the performance of the whole workplace. The benefits of the whistleblowing channel ...


VALO Partners Law Firm
Kalevankatu 14 C 12
00100 Helsinki


tel. 040 511 8020

Jforeign purchases: 041 3111 953

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