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Changing the terms and conditions of employment: what do employers and employees need to know?

A change in the terms and conditions of employment means a change in the terms and conditions of the employment contract, either at the initiative of the employer or the employee. As a general rule, contracts are binding as they stand and cannot be unilaterally modified without just cause or the consent of both parties. The essential terms and conditions of the employment relationship are considered to be ...
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How is your organisation preparing for the requirements of payroll transparency? We've put together a clear set of steps for implementing the requirements of the Pay Transparency Directive for you below

The entry into force of the Pay Transparency Directive and how to prepare for itThe EU Pay Transparency Directive, which will enter into force at national level in June 2026, will bring significant changes to the transparency of pay data and the promotion of equality. The new provisions will apply to employers of all sizes in the private and public sectors. The Pay Transparency Directive concerns equality between women and men ...
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Payroll Directive - Is your organisation ready?

The requirements of the EU's pay-performance directive, which will enter into force nationally by June 2026 at the latest, will bring significant changes to the daily lives of businesses. Although the deadlines may seem far away, our experts say it's time to start preparing now.What does the pay equity directive mean?The directive sets out requirements for recruitment practices, workplace ...
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Wage transparency, changes to the Collective Bargaining Act and lowering the dismissal threshold - employer, are you ready?

In 2025, employers will be challenged by new regulations that will bring significant changes to pay transparency, collective bargaining obligations and the grounds for individual dismissals. In this blog post, we provide a concise overview of what every employer should know about the key changes to employment law in the future.Towards pay equityEmployers of all sizes ...
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Employers have a duty to prevent bore out

At my first summer job at a Veikkaus kiosk, I was so bored that I kept buying Ace cards, which I scribbled away during the working day. The meaningless work was terribly exhausting. I think I ended up losing money from that summer job. Now I understand that I must have suffered from the so-called bore-out phenomenon, ...
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Processing personal data and preventing discrimination in recruitment: tips and misunderstandings to avoid

A job interview is not only about assessing the candidate, but also about creating an employer brand, where the candidate builds an image of the interviewer and the organisation. With tips from an employment law attorney and founding partner of VALO Partners, you can ensure your recruitment process doesn't end in misunderstandings or a courtroom.READ MORE
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New winds for employers in the government's programme: seven highlights of labour law reforms

The Spring 2024 #PressureCause strikes have been political strikes to protest against changes to the government's employment laws. Indeed, the planned changes have been quite pro-employer for a long time. In this blog, we outline the main changes to employment laws envisaged in the government programme. Businesses should prepare for the ...
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Concrete tools for lawyers to tackle underperformance

In this article, Alexa Kavasto of VALO Partners Law Firm gives practical tips on how to deal with underperformance.Employee underperformance is a difficult issue not only for the employee, but also potentially for the entire work community. When an employee is not reaching their full potential, it can ...
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The ABC of the probationary period - What every employer needs to understand about termination of employment during the probationary period

During the probationary period, Matti has mostly been a bit of a work in progress. His motivation has been lacking, he doesn't get along with his colleagues and his work hasn't been done to a sufficient standard. The employer has therefore decided to terminate Matti's employment because of this. The probationary period is approaching ...
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A successful employment contract - the lawyer's top 5 tips for drafting an employment contract 

Employment contracts are the most important economic contracts for companies, so drawing up employment contracts should not be seen as a mere formality. This blog post deals with one of the most important steps in the recruitment process - the signing of an employment contract. A well-drafted employment contract lays the foundations for a successful employment relationship, and both parties ...


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00100 Helsinki


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