Examples of our customer stories
Ruohonjuuri Oy
Founded in 1982, Ruohonjuuri is a Finnish ecommerce chain that promotes a sustainable lifestyle by offering carefully selected organic food, supplements, superfoods and natural cosmetics.
"It is important to us that our employees are treated humanely, ethically and responsibly. This humanity is also conveyed in VALO Partners' customer service, even in challenging situations, although legal issues form the basis of the way we manage human resources. Having a professional partner for legal issues saves time for good management and meeting people."
Päivi Paltola, Managing Director, Ruohonjuuri Oy
Beach properties
Strand Properties is a technology-based brokerage company and one of the fastest growing real estate chains in Europe. The collaboration between Strand Properties and VALO Partners started with Strand's expansion into Europe and Finland.
"We needed a modern, fresh and forward-looking player like ourselves, with whom we could get support and sparring on a range of legal issues. We have been very happy with our partnership and have received first class customer service from VALO, whatever the day of the week or time of day."
Sirena and Anssi Kiviranta, Strand Properties
Setlementtiasunnot Oy
Setlementtiasunnot is a Finnish social housing developer and landlord with around 1950 ara-rented homes. Setlementtiasuntot aims to raise the status of community and meeting people in multi-generational block housing. The Settlement Housing has used the consultancy and sparring services of VALO Partners in its procurement and employment matters.
''We needed a reliable and professional partner to contact at a low threshold when we needed additional insight and help interpreting the law. We have been very satisfied with VALO Partners' services. We save time developing our core activities and supporting our growth by having a reliable and professional partner to support us in our legal affairs.
Suvi Tuomala, Managing Director, Setlementtiasunnot Oy
Novita Oy
Founded in 1928, Novita Oy is a family-owned company and the largest manufacturer of handicraft yarns in the Nordic countries. Novita, which is expanding internationally, currently has the largest spinning mills in the Nordic countries in Kouvola, Koria and West Yorkshire Spinners in England, owned by the same family.
"Novita Oy has used VALO Partners' expertise in a wide range of legal issues related to employment relationships. In a situation that was changing with the strategic renewal, we needed a partner who could support us comprehensively in the areas of legal and human resources development. VALO Partners not only provided business-oriented legal advice, but also a comprehensive partnership in the form of sparring. The customer service has always been top notch. VALO Partners always responds quickly and, above all, in an understandable way. VALO Partners has provided valuable insights on issues we had not even thought of, adding value to our business. This has made it easy to focus on running the business, knowing that we have a partner behind us who thinks holistically and is solution-oriented."
Mikko Koponen, Managing Director, Novita Oy
Avain Yhtiöt Oy
Avain Asunnot is a Finnish housing investment company specialising in the production, development and new construction of housing and housing services. Avain Yhtiöt and Avain Asumisoikeus own 12 000 rental, housing and service home apartments under the Avain Asunnot brand throughout Finland.
"The cooperation started when we needed to train our pre-employees in employment law. We expected a boring training, but contrary to our expectations, the training day turned out to be quite entertaining. Since the training cooperation, we have been consulting VALO Partners on employment law issues. The advice has been practical and concrete. It is important to us that employment matters are handled in a legal and responsible manner. This also supports the well-being of our staff."
Perttu Liukku, CEO, Avain Yhtiöt Oy
Finnfund is a development financier and impact investor that builds a more sustainable future and creates lasting impact by investing in companies that solve global development challenges.
"At Finnfund, responsibility and fairness are our core values. We needed an expert partner to support us in labour law issues and in developing the skills of our frontline staff. VALO Partners has provided us with clear and practical legal advice and training that has strengthened the capacity of our frontline staff in their daily work. Our cooperation has been smooth and we are very satisfied with VALO Partners' expertise and services."
Katja Koski, People & Culture Manager, Finnfund
VALO Partners Law Firm
Kalevankatu 14 C 12
00100 Helsinki
tel. 040 511 8020
Jforeign purchases: 041 3111 953
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